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Strategic Plan
Jimmy McMikle was charged with developing a strategic plan for Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., by Grand Polemarch Reuben Shelton III, Esq. Jimmy began that strategic planning process with a two-day executive leadership retreat for the 34th Administration of Kappa Alpha Psi. The Grand Board of Directors; Council of Past Grand Polemarch’s; Council of Province Polemarch’s; Council of Senior Province Vice Polemarch’s; Council of Junior Province Vice Polemarch’s; National Committee Chairmen and invited fraternal dignitaries participated in the conduction of a full-day SWOT analysis exercise to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats facing the fraternity. The exercise provided a “snapshot in time” of the fraternity’s status, thus allowing for an effective analytical assessment of Kappa Alpha Psi as an early-stage step in the strategic development process. That exercise yielded ten pages of data for subsequent committee use.
The collected data was grouped categorically into eight focus areas (pictured below). Every factor, issue, consideration or concern regarding Kappa Alpha Psi can be associated with one of those corresponding categories. The eight focus areas were used as a framework to guide the subsequent work of the strategic planning committee over the course of the planning process.
The Strategic Planning Committee employed a variety of instruments to offer opportunities for our membership, key stakeholders, partners and funders to provide input into this inclusive planning process consistent with a 360-degree feedback model. This included the membership survey, which helped us take the pulse of our membership as it pertained to our focus areas. Kappa Alpha Psi’s strategic planning process is represented in five successive steps as indicated in the highlighted graph.
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.'s 5-Step Strategic Planning Process
The strategic planning process is currently operating in its fourth stage (Implementation and Execution). A strategic plan is only as good as its associated implementation process. The successful implementation of any strategic plan requires full organizational buy-in and an organization-wide effort to execute. The leaders and members (on all three levels) of the fraternity will have to share responsibility in some capacity over the course of this plan to ensure its successful implementation. We must provide the teamwork, commitment, effective communication and on-going engagement needed to embrace this opportunity to create meaningful change at this moment in our fraternity’s history. It is now incumbent upon us
Brother McMikle made a fraternity-wide appeal to the membership for any member (who had subject matter expertise in the respective focus areas of the team) willing to participate on a strategic planning implementation team. The response was overwhelming which has subsequently engaged more than 50 persons at different levels of the organization who bring a variety of the skillsets, knowledge, experience and abilities needed to ensure a successful implementation of this plan.
The "Strategic Planning Steering Group" was assembled to lead and monitor the plan’s implementation progress, develop a strategy for evaluating success, and the provision of regular updates to the Grand Board of Directors. The steering group’s composition includes a Chairman, Vice Chairman, liaison to the Grand Board of Directors, Liaison to the Province Polemarchs, Project manager, and a lead person for each of the focus areas of the strategic plan to ensure that proper steps to goal attainment and strategy execution occur.
The Strategic Plan Implementation Steering Group and Implementation Team are both led by the National Director of Organizational Effectiveness.
to be nimble and flexible, measuring success and making the necessary modifications as needed along our forward journey.